Giving Honey to Dogs
While selling honey from my beehives, I have often been asked “can you give honey to dogs”? Considering its benefits for humans, it is only natural that many dog owners wonder if honey can be safely given to their furry kids. Honey is a nutritious raw food. But, the dietary needs of dogs differ greatly from those of humans. In this article, I want to take a closer look at the relationship between honey and dogs.

When we consider the many ways to use honey, it is important to remember that the uses go far behind us eating it. You will see that the same is true for our canine friends.
Is Honey Safe for Dogs?
In general, eating honey in small amounts is considered safe for dogs – even the American Kennel Club agrees.
The key issue when feeding honey is the amount or “in moderation”. Upon asking my local veterinarian if it was safe to give a bit of honey to my small Papillion – he said “sure -try it”. But, keep in mind that he only weighs 9 pounds.
Always, consult your veterinarian before feeding any human foods to your dog.

Health Benefits of Honey for Dogs
Other than giving them a sweet treat (which does make us smile – admit it), why would people want to give honey to their dog?
Potential Risks

Alternative Uses of Honey for Dogs
Used for wound care in humans for thousands of years, honey can be applied to minor wounds on your dog too. You can even dab a bit of honey on the site for a bee sting – in case your dog tries to eat a bee.
And best of all, if the dog removes the bandage and licks it – I don’t have to worry about him ingesting nasty chemicals.
Seek Veterinarian Advice
It is extremely important to consult your veterinarian before feeding honey to your dog. Any underlying health conditions or dietary restrictions should be considered.
Your vet will also be able to offer suggestions on using honey as a supplement. This includes safe dosages, frequency and method of application.

My pup loved honey mixed with a little peanut butter and then frozen inside one of those rubber Kong toys. On a hot day he play with that toy for hours to get the treat out. Works for big dogs too – just be sure to get a larger kong.
The amount of honey that is safe to give your dog depends on the size of the dog and it’s particular health condition. Small dogs should only get a tiny amount of honey per day – around 1/4 tsp.
Yes, some pet owners believe that local honey helps their pets with seasonal allergies too.
Because honey is a raw food, it is best to avoid giving honey to puppies, frail elderly dogs or sick dogs unless directed by your veterinarian to do so.
Final Thoughts
We dog lovers want to do everything we can to make their life better. Giving your dog a taste of honey can be a sweet treat or a healthy boost. However, always do so in moderation and with the safe guidance of your veterinarian. Just because it is good for us – does not guarantee that it is safe for our pups.