A Honey House for Beekeepers

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Beekeeping is a hobby that starts small but can grow quickly. You may be wondering if you need to build a honey house. While legal requirements may mandate a specific area to process and bottle honey in some cases – not every beekeeper needs one. However, even if you are not yet ready for a dedicated bee honey house – you still need a processing area with some of the same requirements. Join me as I share a few basics that I learned while designing mine.

Extractor and tools for processing inside a honey house room.

Some beekeepers start with the idea of making it a business or bee farm. I did. There are several ways to have a beekeeping business – you don’t have to have hundreds of hives. But, the bigger the dream – the larger the investment in time and money.

What is a Honey House?

Before deciding whether or not you need a honey house, we need to understand what one really is? In general, this beekeeping term refers to a special “place” where the honey harvest boxes from the hives is “worked up”. 

Honey super boxes full of ripe honey are brought to this interior room awaiting processing. Then, using a honey extractor, the beekeeper removes liquid honey from the comb.

Or, the old “crush and strain” method may be used. Where honeycomb is crushed and placed in a filter bag to allow liquid to drain out into a bucket.

Once, the honey processing is done (by either method), the honey house can be used as a place to properly label and bottle your honey jars. It is also a clean place to store boxes of product until you are ready to use it.

Bee Honey Houses: Form and Function

Is a honey house a real house – separate from your home? No, in most cases it does not have to be. You may have an extra room in your home that is not used for everyday traffic.

Maybe you can dedicate it to processing honey for a few days out of year. But, be prepared for a mess – it is sticky business.

Beekeeper uncaps frame of honey in kitchen area.

Can You Use Your Own Kitchen?

If you are planning to use your honey for the family only, yes you can probably get by using your home kitchen. 

But for heavens sake, make sure you have plenty of drop cloths to put down – and do not pour honey/wax water down the sink!

For the backyard beekeeper with a couple of hives, I understand your feelings that the investment for a special building is too much.

But, once you have spent the next 5 months finding small bits of wax stuck to the floor – the expensive of making a honey house seems more affordable than before.

A Separate Building

Beekeepers often do build or buy a building especially to be used for extracting honey. The small storage buildings that you see sitting on lots for sale are good options. 

Electricity and plumbing can be added to make these structures comfortable and useable. They can be very simple or decked out with all the modern conveniences.

When using an electric honey extractor (or spinner), a fine sticky mist gets in the air and everything seems sticky. So, having a special house or room is not always a requirement but it sure is a perk!

Equipment inside a honey house used to process the harvest.

Honey House Requirements

So, what do you need to do to make your own honey house. Let’s cover the most minimal requirements for the ease of the beekeeper.

Beyond that – contact your state department of agriculture to see if there are more legal requirements in your state.

These can include but are not limited to: proper sink and hot water, lights with covers in case of breakage, washable floors, walls, ceilings, cleaning supplies locked away etc.

If you plan to process many boxes of honey. Give your workflow some thought during the design of your honey house.

Where will the equipment go, is the process of removing full frames from the box, uncapping and them putting them in the extractor a smooth process.

However, I find that I vary my process steps over the years – if you don’t have a large number of hives – workflow is not as big a deal.

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Items Every Honey Processing Area Should Have

  • bee-tight space
  • access to hot water
  • sink to clean utensils
  • adequate lighting
  • tables and storage
  • various tools and supplies (Clean buckets with tight fitting lids, cloth rags for clean up, extraction tools etc.)

Bee Free Work Space

Your work space must be “bee-tight” or those little darlings will attempt to reclaim their bounty.  Doors, windows, etc. must be screened and tight fitting enough to keep them out. 

Even if you do not require a state inspection, trying to process honey in the garage is not a good idea. If the weather is warm enough to do the job right, you will soon have thousands of flying visitors – keep it inside.

Because of this, having a fan or small air conditioner is money well spent. The room needs to be warm for honey extraction but the beekeeper must survive too.

Clean Hot Water

Cleanliness is important. You want a sanitary space to work. Extracting honey is a messy job – no matter how careful you are.  A water source is a must. You may get by with some buckets of water or a hose. 

However, it is may be worth the expense to purchase a small tankless water heater. This makes clean up so much easier – thank goodness honey is water soluble. Mine is a small 1 – 2 gallon model and does the job – sometimes I wish it was bigger but I get by.

Cool or warm water is important when you are cleaning your honey extractor too. This maintenance keeps it in good working order.

Easy to Clean Sink

Most regulations require that you have a sink large enough to wash your largest container. A sink big enough to lay a 5 gallon bucket down in is usually sufficient. I used a plastic laundry tub for years.

A used stainless steel sink can often be found for sale on local craigslist or at a restaurant supply. It is not always a necessity but makes clean up so much easier. It also gives you a spot to temporarily sit sticky containers etc.

Good Lighting

If you decide to fit out a purchased building or shed for your honey house, lighting is an important consideration. 

You may need the help of a licensed electrician to add good lights and a few electric outlets. Sometimes, you can purchase a storage building that is already wired – that’s what I did.

Sturdy Tables and Furniture

Honey is heavy. A 5 gallon bucket of honey can easily weigh over 60#. Likewise, full supers are heavy. A strong table is necessary to safely work up your frames of honey. It will also save your back after working in there for a few hours – less bending.

Fresh honey dripping into storage container inside honey house.

Additional Supplies

Things that I like to keep in my honey house:

  • a hammer to put lids on buckets
  • a bucket opener to get those lids off
  • plenty of paper towels and cloth shop towels to wash and reuse
  • several clean 5 gallon buckets
  • a few cases of quart jars

Optional Accessories

The method you use to extract or process your honey determines which tools you need. Some people will use a manual or electric extractor – others will not.  But, these are some items that make life in the honey house much easier.

Boxes of honey inside a honey house waiting to be processed.

A strong fan with adjustable height is a big plus. It helps cool the beekeeper and can be used to “dry” honey that make be on the border line for moisture content.

Buy a refractometer– it is a a valuable tool that every beekeeper needs. If the water content of your honey is too high it will spoil!

A dehumidifier is optional but it is so useful – especially to beekeepers that live in regions with Small Hive Beetles (SHB). Harvested honey supers can have tiny beetle eggs in the box.

Many a beekeeper has delayed extracting honey supers for 5-6 days only to find them infested with beetle larva. Imagine – the total harvest ruined!

But, a dehumidifier set on a low setting can keep the humidity in the room low. This helps dry out honey that may have an elevated water content. But, it also, prevents SHB eggs from hatching – giving the beekeeper a few extra days.

Full honey supers and dehumidifier with fan.

In my early years of beekeeping I always ended up with too many bees in the honey house. It was rather confusing. Those bees wanted out – I wanted them out. Outside bees wanted in – it was a mess. 

My building had 2 windows and a small window in the door. By covering the windows from the inside with black material, the inside bees flew towards the tiny window in the door.  I could open the door and swoosh them out quickly.

Does Every Beekeeper Need One?

No, it is not necessary for every beekeeper to have a separate honey house (or dedicated room). However, if you sell honey to the public – your state may require you to have one that is registered and inspected.

Personalize Your Honey House     

A honey house is not something you have to acquire your first year or so. However, if you plan to sell honey, you may wish to have the maximum number of beehives that you can manage.

In this case, – you should consider making a dedicated space. In addition to a safe, clean place to extract and bottle honey, it is also a great place to store clean supplies.

Best of all, you can personalize it to fit your beekeeping style. It becomes a little “beekeepers haven” when you want to get away from everyone – “don’t come down here – there might be bees around ;).

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