Can Vegans Eat Honey?
While honey is certainly considered a nutritious, health food – you will find that many vegans do not eat honey. Their decision is not based on a lack of nutrition but rather ethical concerns that guide the vegan way of life. Many vegans feel that honey bees are exploited in the process of taking their honey. But, not everyone agrees. When it comes to honey consumption, you will find different points of view in the vegan community.
As a beekeeper, it is my goal to produce some honey. This raw honey is better than regular honey found on most grocery shelves. While I am not vegan, I do respect their point of view. For myself, I try to treat my bees well with concern for them at each stage.
Why is Honey Not Considered Vegan
What is veganism? Veganism is a lifestyle and dietary choice where people do not use products that are produced by the harm or exploitation of animals.
Most vegans avoid consuming honey because it is taken from the bee colony. The honey intended to be used as food for the bees is taken from the hive.
The same avoidance applies to other products from the hive such as bee pollen collected from beehives, raw propolis, honeycomb, beeswax, royal jelly etc.
They also express concerns about:
- beekeeping practices in honey production
- risks to the bee colony
- environmental impacts of bee farms
Beekeeping Practices & Honey Production
Beekeeping has come a long way since the days when colonies were kept in bee skeps. In those early hives, the entire colony may be killed to access honey.
But, no one can deny that some bees are harmed in modern honey operations. Trying to ensure that no bees were killed or harmed would be impossible in commercial honey production.
Experienced and beginner beekeepers do inevitably cause some harm to individual bees – with thousands of moving bees in a hive – it is impossible to prevent.
Colony Health Risks
Those against taking honey from bees note that the colonies are put at risk to make a huge amount of honey.
Beehives placed in crop fields for pollination sit very close together. They may be exposed to pesticides and other harmful substances.
In addition to the spread of disease in these closely place colonies, farmers have to make decisions that seem cruel.
Queen Manipulation
Failing queen bees may be killed earlier than the colony would replace them in an effort to increase production. A hive that is doing poorly and is non-productive may be destroyed.
Wings of queens may be clipped to prevent them leaving and there are other management practices that some people do not feel okay about.
Artificial Feeding
Feeding bees sugar water is a common practice in beekeeping when helping colonies that need a boost. However, some beekeepers may take honey from the hives and try to replace it with sugar water. This is not a healthy option for the honey bees.
Environmental Impact
Large scale honey production with thousands of colonies in one location can have a negative effect on the local ecosystems too. Native pollinators may be pushed out.
As part of the agriculture system, large fields of mono-crop farming create food deserts for pollinators that need a variety of food sources.
This affects the health of the bee colonies as well. Healthy honey bees eat a variety of types of nectar and pollen.
However, beekeeping is like any other type of farming. Many of those involved do their best to avoid bee deaths – adhering to the principles of natural beekeeping wherever possible.
But, that is not always possible when running a large bee farm or business for profit.
Honey is Not Plant-Based
There are several reasons one may choose to follow a strict vegan diet. Some do so to promote a healthier lifestyle and perhaps avoid some diseases that result from eating a lot of red meat.
For these people, any food from plants is okay. But, foods that come from animals is off limits – even if the animal is not killed in the process. Right away you can see that burgers, steaks and chicken tenders are not on the menu.
But, this restriction is not limited to meat. It includes products harvested from animals such as eggs, cheese, milk and yes… honey.
Why Some Vegans Do Eat Honey
However, this food from the beehive is not off limits for all who practice veganism. Some feel that they are not sure the idea of avoiding animal exploitation extends to beehive products.
These vegans choose to eat honey while avoiding other animal based foods. They feel that bees are insects and not subject to the same restrictions as other animals.
In addition, they also consume bee pollen and other hive products that are harvested without killing the hive.
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Vegan Honey Substitutes
You may hear the term vegan honey – in reality these are vegan honey alternatives. By definition, true honey is made by bees from plant nectar. However, there are vegan honey substitutes you can purchase.
Plant based sweeteners are available and used in the same way. Examples of honey substitutions include:
- agave nectar
- brown rice syrup
- coconut nectar
- date sugar
- maple syrup
- molasses
- and other sweet products derived from plant juices.
Honey is not allowed for those who adhere to a strict vegan lifestyle. This includes any recipes made with honey. But, those who adopt a softer approach to this philosophy, can keep it as part of their diet.
For others, try a vegan honey alternative if you want to have more variety in your choice of sweeteners.
The Avocado Controversy
To add even more controversy to issue of vegans and honey. What about food crops that depend on the work of bees-like almonds or avocados? Neither crop can be successfully grown without bee pollination.
Thousands of hives are shipped into the field at bloom time by migratory beekeepers. If you consume avocados or use almond milk – you have a bee to thank for their work in the field.
Native bees, specialty bees and wasps all serve as insect pollinators. But, their numbers are not large enough to service a field of trees.
According to the dictionary definition, honey is made by bees using plant nectar. However, there are plant based honey substitutes that share some of the same vitamins, minerals and taste.
No, nectar is carried to the hive in the bee’s honey stomach. It never reaches the major digestive tract of the bee.
For strict vegans, the honey is still coming from bees – no matter how carefully the hives are managed.
Whether or not to include honey in your diet is your choice. Some vegans do not consider insects as animals (in the same category as cows etc.). It is your choice.
Final Thoughts
It is important to respect the lifestyle choices of all individuals – even if you feel differently. For now, some of those who adhere to a strict vegan diet will not be eating honey. Others, who feel the rules do not apply to insects-may be able to consume beeswax and honey on occasion-with no guilt.