How to Make Blackened Beeswax Ornaments
Beeswax is a traditional crafting medium used to make various ornaments. One twist on the common process is to create blackened beeswax Christmas ornaments. This technique uses dark cinnamon (yes-the dried spice) to stain the wax surface. It creates an antique effect and looks quite lovely. In this post, you will learn the simple process of making blackened beeswax ornaments to use for the holidays and keep for years to come.

I am a beekeeper so I am blessed with plenty of fresh beeswax for projects. This tutorial focuses on the blackened technique using the cookie molds from my beeswax ornament post. Be sure to check it out to for more tips.
Blackened Beeswax Ornaments for Christmas
The tradition of making blackened beeswax ornaments has its roots in early American Folk Crafts. Early pioneers used what they had on hand.
As a change from the normal yellows of beeswax, the dark rustic finish was achieved using cinnamon or any dark spice – sometimes even ground coffee. Not only did it give the ornaments a different look – they smelled good too.
What is Blackened Beeswax?
There are several ways to create blackened wax. The most common natural method is with ground cinnamon.
However, if you want a deep blackened wax project, using an artificial wax colorant or crayons is the most reliable method.
This is a bit different than the traditional folk-art craft that I am going for- but it is a more reliable way to achieve a consistent dark shade..
Honestly, mine are more brown than black because of the type of cinnamon I choose to use. However, this process is the most traditional and natural.
Materials Needed
Here are some of the basic materials needed to create your blackened ornament. Of course, substitute where you wish
- molds
- clean beeswax
- cinnamon
- mold release spray
- hanger material
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I use my old clay cookie molds (such as the Brown Bag Molds) – I feel very traditional doing so – I don’t know why. But, this type of mold is similar to those first used to create ornaments with wax. They cool slowly-less cracking.
The molds I am using in this project were not purchased new – I found mine on Ebay. Any size mold will work well.
Clay molds with a little more depth are easier to work with and will produce a sturdier ornament. You do need a mold-not a cookie stamp.
Prepare your molds before you begin. They should be clean with no bits of dirt, dust, or debris inside the molds.
Perhaps you are a beekeeper or know someone who is. In this case, you might be able to get some raw beeswax. If so, be sure you clean your beeswax before you start this project.
You can also buy bars or pellets of beeswax from various sources. These ready to use options are nice – as long as they are pure beeswax.
The color of beeswax used for this project does not really matter – don’t pay extra for light colors. You are going to stain it dark anyway.
Ground Cinnamon
In this tutorial, I am using a dark ground cinnamon. You can use any type or brand of cinnamon. The darker – the better as we will be rubbing it into the wax surface.
For most crafters, Saigon cinnamon is the darkest available variety. Remember if you also used purchased colorants if you wish.

Step by Step – Process Steps
1. Safely melt your clean beeswax. This is best done in a small double boiler that is dedicated to wax projects (or my favorite crafting pot).
Be careful – do not leave it unattended. Overheated beeswax can become flammable. Be careful – you only need to melt the wax.
You will see this little pot featured in many of my tutorials. It is awesome for beeswax crafting. Sits well in a small pot of water.
2. While the wax is melting – prepare your mold. For a clay cookie mold-a highly recommend that you buy a can of mold release – you will be glad you did. In a pinch, a light brush of olive oil can work.
Set your mold on a level surface (LEVEL) with a sheet of wax or parchment paper underneath to catch any spills.
3. In the beginning – expect to make two pours. This first pour will likely not be pretty – your mold needs to warm up a bit.
The wax tends to pull away from a cold mold too quickly and curl. That’s okay, let it cool enough to come cleaning out of the mold and you are ready to try again.
Second Pour – Prepare your hanger because it will be inserted before the wax starts to solidify.
Pour slowly to fill the mold. Make sure the wax flows to all sections of the mold but it is best to not allow overflow.
Fold a section of jute, wire, ribbon – in half and stick the cut ends in the hot wax. In a few seconds, you should be able to let go and the wax will skim over.
Second Hanger Option – you don’t have to insert a hanger at pour. You can wait until later and gently drill a small hole through the ornament for hanging.
4. Let the ornament cool until the wax starts to pull away from the sides and the center seems to be set. While the wax is still warm – remove from the mold. Often, you can just gently tip the mold over and the wax falls out.

Immediately, sprinkle a heavy coat of ground cinnamon across the front surface. Use a soft brush or sponge to rub firmly – but not hard enough to mar the wax.
If you have trouble getting the cinnamon to stick to the beeswax- try warming the surface just a bit with a hair dryer. Let everything cool with the ornament on a flat surface. Use a brush to remove the excess cinnamon.
Expert Tips
- Some types of cinnamon are darker than others. I used Ceylon cinnamon (pictured ornaments) because that’s what I had on hand. If you chose a darker cinnamon (Saigon), your ornaments will take on a more blackened appearance.
- Safety Alert – Beeswax is flammable if overheated. Always melt wax with constant supervision and take all precautions to prevent fire or burns.
- Don’t skimp on the mold release/oil or it will be difficult to remove your ornament.
- Make sure your cookie mold is sitting on a level surface.
Your blackened beeswax ornaments will last for years if you protect them from heat. Beeswax melts at about 147°F but it bends at warmer temperatures. Store your ornaments wrapped in white tissue paper in a cool room – not a hot attic.
How to Use
Well not everyone has a tree to hang ornaments on but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy them. Here are some other ideas:
- Use as part of a centerpiece for the table
- They can be used in lieu of regular place cards
- Special additions to a holiday wreath
- String a garland of blackened wax ornaments across a window
This is a great folk art craft to recreate natural decorations for your home. I prefer the natural color and scent of fresh beeswax. However, you can add any fragrance approved for candle use to your wax ornament.
More Ideas
There are so many amazing uses for beeswax. For more creative beeswax projects, try this tutorial for making scented bees wax sachets a great way to freshen up any room.
For those of you who enjoy natural bath products, these easy beeswax soap recipes are something to consider.
And, if making things and giving natural gifts are “your thing”, consider making some homemade fire starters using beeswax. They are easy to make and use and make a great small gift.
Final Thoughts
Creating your own blackened beeswax ornaments is a great way to bring an old-world tradition into your home. With thousands of mold choices, you are only limited by your imagination. The process can be used to make special ornaments for any occasion-not just Christmas.

Blackened Beeswax Christmas Ornaments Tutorial
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- small level (optional)
- stoneware cookie molds
- 8 ounces beeswax (net wt)
- 18 inches jute twine for hangers 3 pieces -6″ long
- 1 can Mold Release Spray or cooking spray
- 6 tablespoons Cinnamon any dark
- Melt beeswax using the double boiler method. You do not want it to be extremely hot –just heat it enough to turn the wax liquid.
- Prepare your clay cookie molds (Brown Bag or other). They should be clean with no bits of dirt, dust, or debris inside the molds. Generously spray each mold with a coating of mold release or cooking spray. This helps remove the finished ornament from the mold.
- Use a level to ensure that your molds are setting on a level surface. Use small craft sticks, etc to make sure the mold is level both ways. This helps prevent wax from pouring over the side while filling.
- Cut the jute twine (or whatever your hanger choice material) into 6” lengths. They can be any length but 6” inches works well for me.
- Slowly fill the cookie mold with melted wax, do not overfill. Only fill one ornament at a time. As the wax cools in the mold, you will notice the wax pulling away from the edges. Once the wax is completely set but still warm – remove the ornament from the mold and throw it back in the melting pot. Seriously, this was a practice run. Now check that the mold is clean with no wax residue – spray again with mold release . Why throw away the first ornament? This practice run warms the clay mold and makes the second ornaments look better with less marring. (But you don’t have todo a test run if you don’t want to.)
- For our second try, again slowly fill the mold with melted beeswax. Once the mold is full ofwax you are ready to add a hanger. Take a hanger cord and push both ends down into the hot wax. Use a craft stick if necessary and hold the hanger under for just a few seconds.
- Within the next 15 – 20 minutes, the second pouring should cool enough to remove from the mold. While the beeswax ornament is still warm – rub ground cinnamon on the beeswax surface on both sides. This gives the beeswax ornament a grubby, folk-art look. Very cool.