How to Set Up an Apiary (Bee Yard)

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Once you make the decision to become a beekeeper, it’s time to think about how to set up an apiary for your bees. This should be done well in advance of bee arrival. Comfort for the beekeeper is important but the needs of the bees must have first priority. Here, I discuss some of the primary things you need to consider when choosing a bee yard location for multiple hives.

Beehives set up in backyard bee yard or apiary .

While this may seem like a small issue, it is actually important. Every beginner beekeeper need to understand the importance of hive access for proper maintenance. And also, issues that might arise as a result of the bee yard.

Setting Up an Apiary for Your Bees

Let’s start by understanding a little beekeeping terminology. Beekeepers often use the word – “bee yard” to describe a location with beehives.

However, the word “apiary” is the official term for a location with beehives. Whether you have 1 beehive or 100, a well designed bee yard, or apiary, makes life easier.

Setting up a bee yard properly includes the overall layout and location. But, it also includes considering how the individual hives will be placed.

Several beehives on stand in backyard apiary image.

Bee Apiary Design Elements

While it might be handy to have an outline of the perfect apiary design, it would not work for most beekeepers.

We all have different challenges to overcome. Most beekeepers do not have large fields of unlimited space.

Instead, we must consider nearby neighbors, play areas, rounds and even our own homes in deciding on the best location for our beehives.

Apiary Must Be Accessible

A good apiary design provides a healthy, safe place for the bees and is easy for the beekeeper to get to in all weather.

Almost everything associated with beekeeping is heavy. Place your bee yard in an accessible location.

You need to be able to get to your hives with a truck or wheelbarrow even in rainy or snow weather. And the more hives you have the bigger issue this is.

However, if your city practices mosquito spraying by truck, protect your bees by placing the hives father away from the road.

Apiary hives laid out in straight rows and slanting rows.

Protect Your Bees from Predators

So many times, I hear beekeepers say they have never seen bears in their area. Then, they awake to find their hives destroyed. 

Black bears are attracted to hives and will destroy them. This is especially true if the bear has had access to hives in the past.

While the bear certainly will walk right up to your back door, it is a good practice to keep hives farther away from the tree line in bear country.

The best way to deal with a bear is to prevent destruction from happening in the first place. It is very hard to stop a determined bear!

In my area, the most common bear deterrent is an electric fence. Those of us who live in “bear territory” have to deal with this reality when deciding how to set up a bee yard. 

Some pollinator enthusiasts worry that bats may eat their bees – especially if they have a bat house nearby. In most cases, this is no cause for real concern.

Wind Breaks or Privacy Screens

For a small bee yard, screening the hives from the view of neighbors might be a good idea. A tall decorative fence placed several feet from the beehives is common.

Bees leave the hive and go up and out into the world. The fence conceals the hives and redirects their flight path. We can’t control where the bees fly.

But, we have some control when they first leave the hive. A steady stream of bees buzzing across a walkway will cause concern.

You and I may be super proud that we are beekeeping but not everyone is “bee loving”. Simply having your  beehives out of site will ease some of your neighbors fear.

Individual hives set up in an apiary.

Hive Placement In the Bee Yard

In designing your bee yard layout, you need to consider the basic needs of each individual colony too. Proper beehive placement is a big factor in the health and productivity of your honey bee colonies.

Every hive needs to sit in a place that is healthy. Low lying boggy locations near rivers or streams is not the best location for an apiary. Is the ground level or suitable to leveling for the hives to sit securely?

Because of the annual population curve of a healthy colony, hive numbers in an apiary do not usually remain static. A new beekeeper who wants 4 hives may end up with 8 by the end of Summer due to bee swarming etc.

Beekeepers who have too many beehive in one location can become overwhelmed. This can lead to having to feed sugar water to bees more often. In addition to higher instances of sickly hives that are a danger to other bees in the area.

There are several different types of beehives with different space requirements. Most hives grow vertically (such as the Langstroth Hive, Warre Hives etc.). However, a top bar hive or other horizontal beehives have different space requirements.

Bee yard with hives arranged in circles image.

Lining Up the Hives

For years, beekeepers placed hives in a single straight row. We have learned that this apiary design is not best for the bees.

Worker foraging bees will drift to other hives. When your beehives are arranged in a long line, the hives on the ends tend to benefit from drifting bees.

Foragers returning with full loads of nectar often enter the first hive they approach. Inversely, hives in the middle may lose substantial numbers. Rather than a straight line, placing hives in a curved formation helps reduce drifting bees. 

If your hives are in a line, don’t panic – there is no need to go out there and start moving them around. There are other things you can do to reduce drifting.

I paint my beehives with designs or different colors to help returning bees. Perhaps a few shrubs or decorations in the bee yard are beneficial to help working foragers orient.

You can also use cute vinyl stickers that last for several years on the front of the hives to help bees return to the right home.

Beehive with red painted near entrance to aid bees image.

Setting Up Your Bee Yard on Hive Stands

Commercial beekeepers place hives on square wooden pallets. This allows the use of machinery to lift several hives at one time. The whole bee yard can be moved to a new location in a short time.

Backyard beekeepers tend to use hive stands. Hive stands can be made from a variety of materials.

And of course you can purchase commercial stands for beehives that are ready to go. Plastic ones are okay if they are sturdy though some of them are very low.

Hive stands raise the beehives up off the ground. This provides some protection for the bottom of the hive and is a “back saver” for the beekeeper.

Being a Good Neighbor

Now, we must talk about a few things about having beehives that you need to know. These issues can cause big trouble with neighbors or even your significant other-who many not be quite as a big a bee lover as you.

It goes without saying that you should place individual hives facing away from human traffic or play areas. The bees need to live in peace and not feel threatened by people or animals in close proximity to the hive.

Bee Poop

You haven’t ever seen honey bee poop? Well, you will. The more colonies you have in your bee yard, the more yellow streaks you will find on your cars.

One of my beekeeping friends experienced an irate neighbor. She was angry because of bee poop on her clean laundry that she hung on the outside line. Four hives were about 30 feet away and faced her property.

With a couple of hives, you probably will not notice much of an issue. However, this is another reason to place large bee yards well away from humans. 

Honey Bees and Swimming Pools

In most locations, it is advisable for the beekeeper to provide a clean water source for bees. This water source should be established before your bees arrives.

And, it should be closer to the hive than your neighbors swimming pool. Honey bees love to drink from swimming pools and if it is a saltwater pool – they like it even better.

Keeping bees away from pools can be a challenge. Try to stop it before it begins.


How many hives can I have in one yard?

If you are not subject to local rules and regulations on hive density, there is still concern over having too many hives in one spot. During times of nectar dearth, you will find yourself having to feed the bees more often.

Why multiple hives are kept in 1 location?

No matter how well the apiary design, modern bee yards are not natural. However, most beekeepers do not have the luxury of providing at least a square mile of space between each hive.

For commercial beekeepers that have large apiaries for bee pollination or honey production, time is money. They must be able to move hundreds of hives in a matter of hours.

How far apart to place hives?

I leave at least 2 feet between my beehives. This spacing is not done for the bees it is for me.
Place your hives in a manner that allows you to access all 4 sides with ease.

How much space does your apiary require?

The more hives you keep, the larger your bee yard should be-in general. As a general rule, you should have 10-30 feet of open space around the perimeter of your line of beehives. Especially at the front.

The temperament of a honey bee hive changes from time to time. Those sweet bees in April might chase you around the yard in September. Aggressive Fall hives can be frustrating.

This is even more important for urban beekeepers with hives in close proximity to neighbors. Be sure to put hives a safe distance from your house.

Final Thoughts

When you are setting up an apiary, think of your long term goals. Most beekeepers end up with more hives than they planned to have. (Yep, that’s me). Beehives can be moved with care. But it is much better to chose a good placement and layout in the beginning.

Create a place for the bees to thrive and one that you and your neighbors can live with. Don’t worry if you want to change your apiary design later-but this is a big task that is worth avoiding. 

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  1. Hey, from Louisiana here. I am starting to look into the bee keeping process. However, I live in between farming fields that get sprayed via crop dusting multiple times a season. How far away from this would my bees need to be? Would that contaminate the colony?

    1. Charlotte Anderson says:

      That would present a challenge to your beekeeping efforts. I would talk with the area farmers if possible. Find out what and how often they spray. If you know ahead of time, you can sometimes cover the hives to minimize damage.

  2. Mulondo Kibuuka says:

    Dear Charlotte,
    I am writing from Uganda.
    Thanks so much for sharing this much needed bee keeping wisdom.
    It has given the courage to carry on with my urban bee keeping idea.

    1. Charlotte Anderson says:

      Best wishes to you. Be sure to check with local beekeepers for information that is relevant to your climate.

  3. Stacy St Pierre says:

    Hello I am fairly new to bee keeping and I have a bee keeper with knowledge helping me. She suggests a bee yard which entails putting roofing type material down under the hives to help prevent beetles and other bugs from getting into the hives. I been out with her checking on other people’s hives and the only one without the “ yard” had zero beetles or moths etc. Do you recommend a bee yard with roofing material type protection under the hives or just a natural yard? Thank you

    1. Charlotte Anderson says:

      That type of material under the hives certainly can be a help in some situations. It is always good to keep grass and moist soil away from the hive bottom. Yet, in my area this was mainly done to fight Small Hive Beetles. Beetle larvae can crawl hundreds of feet at night so a bit of roofing wouldn’t help much. Still, it certainly is not a bad move to try.

  4. Candice Furimsky says:

    Just getting started with my first hive I rescued. Really enjoying the help you’re giving out so freely!!

    1. Charlotte Anderson says:

      Thank you, I hope you find some tips that help you along the journey. Be sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter.

  5. Jim de Garavilla says:

    I’m just getting started this summer and I have one colony that I caught as a swarm.

    I left it close to where I trapped it, but want to set up a more permanent apiary about 400 feet away. What are the complications of moving to a spot that might be too close to the original location? What steps should I take so I won’t loose too many foragers and weaken my growing hive?

  6. Beryl Mutekhele says:

    As a starter beekeeper, am enjoying your learning from you Charlotte. Thank you very much and keep it coming.

    1. Charlotte Anderson says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words.