Urban Beekeeping
Urban beekeeping has been thriving in recent years as more city dwellers seek the joy of managing their own beehives. Many are surprised that it is indeed possible to keep bees in urban environments. Of course, not every location is appropriate for a bees. In this guide, I share some of the primary concerns and challenges that city beekeepers must face. And, things to work out before you set up your first hive.
Any beekeeping location has challenges. But, if you are interested in keeping bees in close proximity to human dwellings – good hive management is even more important than usual. It is important to find a balance where the bees are happy, you are happy and your neighbors are not adversely affected.
Why Urban Beekeeping is Popular
The plight of bees and all pollinators has caused a resurgence of interest in beekeeping in recent years. And, not everyone lives on 20 acres of rural land with lots of room to spare.
Urban beekeeping is defined as keeping honey bees in an urban or city environment. This includes large cities, small towns and surrounding areas that have a high population density. Even a densely populated housing development might be considered urban.
Beehives in the City Provide:
- a way to connect with nature – pure enjoyment
- provides pollination for community gardens
- local honey is available for residents
- educational benefits for children
Enjoyment with Nature
Keeping bees in the city can be a great way to bring nature to city dwellers. Watching bees in the hive can be very calming and relaxing. An opportunity to slow down and appreciate the little things.
Of course, a nature connection is one of the primary benefits of beekeeping regardless of your location. And, one of the major reasons that people want to learn how to start beekeeping is to experience the awe and wonder of bees.
Have you ever heard of roof top gardens? Yes, they exist and some of those plants need pollination to produce fruit and vegetables.
Adding honey bees to the native bee mix, allows for greater pollination of community and patio gardens.
And, it increases the biodiversity of the area by adding another species to the wild bees already there. Bee species often visit different types of flowers – it does not always have to be a competition.
Local Honey
Being able to produce or purchase a jar of local honey made right in the city is a major benefit of urban beehives. The beekeeper may recoup a bit of his/her expenses through selling honey.
Even a couple of hives can produce enough honey to share or sell. If you do choose this option be sure to label your honey proudly with information that it was produced locally.
Educational Opportunities
If your small apiary is a family project, it give children a chance to understand the concept of managing livestock (bees) and harvesting food.
It also provides a chance to teach others that well managed honey bees can be good neighbors. They may not even realize a hive is close by unless you tell them. This is the goal.
Beekeeping Challenges in Urban Areas
Managing bee colonies in populated areas has a few special risks or dangers that should not be overlooked. Practicing good beekeeping safety tips can help lessen the risk to your family and others around you.
Here are a few of the top considerations:
- legal considerations
- best possible hive location
- educate close neighbors
- consider food and water sources
- practice swarm prevention
- educate yourself on beehive management
Legal Concerns for Urban Beekeepers
While people can and do keep bees in locations secretly, it is not my advice to do so. In this litigious society, it’s not worth the risk.
Before investing time and money in bees and beekeeping equipment, consult any local zoning ordinances and regulations.
Not every community is welcoming to honey bees. And some that do allow bees, have restrictions on how many hives you can have in one location.
Some municipalities require each beehive to be registered and possibly inspected by a state bee inspector. Contact local authorities to learn the rules for where you live.
It is really sad when beekeepers have to quit beekeeping due to a legal oversite. In this case, permission is better than forgiveness.
Choosing the Right Location
Finding the best place to put your beehive is a important concern for any beekeeper. However, for the city dweller, hive placement can be even more challenging.
Having the back of the hive against a screen is one way to blend it into the surroundings. You can build a privacy screen to hide the hives from view.
But, remember you need to have enough room to work around the hive on all sides. Your hive inspections will requiring moving boxes to check conditions in the bottom of the hive. Give yourself room to work.
Bee Flight Paths
In good weather, foraging bees will be coming and going from the hive entrance. You need to position your hive in a way that allows the bees to come and go without interfering with human activity.
When possible, having at least 10-15 ft in front of the hive as a “human free” zone is best – more is even better.
Those limited in space can choose to construct a solid fence about 4 feet in front of the hive. Now, the bees will come out of the hive and go up and over. No conflict with humans.
If absolutely no space seems right, what about going up? Some apartment dwellers have received permission to maintain beehives on roof tops!
Educate Close Neighbors
While some folks decide to keep their hives a secret, it is very nice when you can be upfront with your close neighbors. Most of the concern is due to the worry of bee stings and it is a valid concern.
Ensure them that the bees should be no problem for them. That you intend to do everything in your power to manage the hives well.
Try to plan a time to inspect the beehive when close neighbors are least likely to be outside. Be a good neighbor. Encourage them to let you know of any concerns or questions them may have.
Do they have small garden plots? Your bees can help with pollination and result in larger yields for them. To a city gardener – this could be a compelling bit of information.
Offer to give your immediate neighbors a small jar of neighborhood honey when your crop comes in. You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar, right? I’m not sure that applies here but you get the idea – be nice.
Foraging Resources (Food & Water)
Beehives in urban areas play a role in increasing the sustainability of the area. Honey bees easily travel several miles in search of food.
However, in large cities without much green space – you must consider if your hive will find the resources the colony needs to collect.
The majority of food needed by your hive will be collected from places off your property. This presents the possibility of your bees foraging on food or water sources that are contaminated with pesticides.
You can only control this to a degree. If you have the space, planting flowers bees like in your backyard, or including bee friendly plants in container gardens may help.
One important thing you can do is provide clean drinking water for your bees. This water source also helps keep bees out of your neighbors swimming pool – another way to promote peace.
Swarming Bees in the City
As a beekeeper, I think swarms are a beautiful thing. While the general public may appreciate honey bees, they are not well schooled in the natural process of honey bee swarming. Although not generally dangerous, swarms scare people.
In urban beekeeping, swarm prevention practices become even more important. More frequent inspections and keeping colony populations under control helps prevent frightened humans.
Use techniques such as reversing hive bodes, keeping young queens and others may help reduce swarms.
For the urban beekeeper, more attention to catching bee swarms that do escape can help calm the neighborhood fears.
Educate Yourself on Best Practices
Learn how to use a bee smoker – to keep colonies calm during inspections. Educate yourself through online classes, local classes and beekeeping books so you know the best techniques to use.
The more you know, the more likely you are to see problems brewing and head off trouble before it gets out of control.
Community Bee Yards
For some folks, having a beehive on your city property is just not feasible. This does not mean that your dreams have to end.
Reach out to local beekeeping clubs or community gardens. Many of these organizations provide limited space for beekeepers to use. There are several good books about the experiences of city beekeepers.
While not as desirable as having the bees at home, it is a great way to enjoy beekeeping for those with no alternatives.
Tips for Urban Beekeepers
- in most cases – less is more – do not have too many hives for your space
- do not place your beehives close to your house – at least not near the back door
- always set a good example and wear proper protective beekeeper clothing when working the hives.
- smoke is used to calm bees. Look like you know what you are doing (even when you are not 100% sure) and those around you will feel more confident.
Urban apiculture is not dangerous-if the beekeeper takes the proper precautions. However, in untrained hands, honey bee colonies can cause problems and even liability. Educate yourself before obtaining bees.
Sustainable beekeeping does not harm native bee populations. A reasonable number of hives in one location should not cause a problem for native bees in search of food.
Research local laws and regulations first. Then, find the local beekeeping association (or state agriculture department) to learn more about beekeeping in your state. Then, educate yourself on beekeeping beginner basics.
Some beekeepers do receive permission to practice rooftop beekeeping or have a hive on a balcony. You would have to research the rules and regulations for your building.
A Final Word
Considering the rate of bee habitat loss, scientists agree that all pollinators are having a tough time. Native species are most at risk – as honey bees are not endangered but what helps one often helps the other. Finding a safe spot for a couple of urban hives is an attainable goal. However, for the well-being of the honey bees and the safety of the public, beekeeper education is essential.
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- Privacy Screens – Block view and Wind
- Small Water Gardens -provide fresh water for thirsty bees