How to Build a Beehive

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Building a beehive of your own can be a rewarding experience. You may save a bit of money and you will certainly know that quality materials and assembly is present. However, beehive construction is more involved than some carpentry projects. It is important to plan your steps and have everything you need for success. This guide will get you off to a great start to build a quality beehive for your bees.

Person building a beehive from scratch using wooden parts.

In all honestly, hive construction is not my thing. I can do it but I am not good at it. Still, there is no harm in giving it a try. Building beekeeping equipment (hives, boxes, feeders etc.) requires attention to detail and correct measurements. If you have these skills, it may be fun for you.  

Why Build Your Own Beehive

There are several advantages to making your own beehive. First of all, it is a very rewarding experience when you make something for your bees.

I get a lot of satisfaction from making my no-cook candy board frames. Thankfully, precise measuring and cutting is not a requirement for them.

While bees will often take up residence in the most unusual places, they can be quite discerning too. Poorly constructed beehives cause problems for the beekeeper later on.

Tools & Materials Needed

You need some basic working tools. If you are contemplating this project, I am sure you know what a saw, hammer and nails are :). But, before you get out your saw, take a good look at the materials you will need.

Do You Have the Skill?

I wanted to build a beehive from scratch when I first became a beekeeper. Unfortunately, my enthusiasm for this project was greater than my carpentry skills.

(Even though in the past I could do some pretty good work with a hammer and nail!) I made some costly beekeeper mistakes.

A beekeeper may save some money by building their own equipment. But, this is not always the case. Wood is expensive. And, for most folks you must consider the time investment too.

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Tips on Choosing Wood

Across the world, beekeepers use many different materials for making hives for honey bees. Simple pine wood is the most common resource used in the United States. Cypress wood is another popular choice but it is more expensive.

Plywood is not the best choice for beehive wood. The glue and chemicals used in making it are concerning. (Though some beekeepers do use plywood for temporary boxes to attract swarms.)

Do not use treated wood. Lumber treated with chemicals can be very hazardous to honey bees!

Choosing a Hive Style

There are many different types of beehives to consider. In the US, the most common beehive design is the Langstroth Hive (10 frame or 8 frame). 

But, the top bar and other horizontal hives have gained in popularity. This style of hive is a bit different – do your research before deciding.

Stacked boxes of a langstroth hive with bees.

Langstroth Beehive

The Langstroth Hive is made up of square boxes that typically hold 10 frames. (or 8 frames for smaller hives). The colony starts with one basic bee brood box – more boxes are stacked on top as the colony grows.

If cut to the correct Langstroth hive dimensions, the hive is easily expandable.

Large top bar hive for keeping bees image.

Top Bar Beehive

Top Bar Hives have increased in popularity in recent years. Some beekeepers feel this hive design is a more organic approach to beekeeping because bees build their own comb. Similar in some aspects to colonies housed in bee skeps.

If you are very interested in natural beekeeping, it is important to connect with other top bar beekeepers who are successful.

Check out this advanced top bar beekeeping information. -> ->  Top Bar Beekeeping Book <- <-

Steps to Build A Beehive

  1. choose the right hive style (Langstroth, Top Bar, Warre etc.)
  2. find good construction plans – download and print several copies
  3. gather your materials 
  4. cut out materials closely following directions
  5. assemble parts with nails and good wood glue or screws and glue
  6. purchase frames, wax foundation
  7. paint your beehive

Plans with Correct Measurements

Once you decide what you want, it is easy to find plans and instructions (some are available for free). Good plans will include instructions and a materials list.

I suggest you don’t try to build every part of the beehive – unless you are truly gifted in carpentry. Many new beekeepers purchase the top cover, bottom board, inner cover and frames.

But, they enjoy building the main boxes of the beehive and super boxes. These are easier to build.

Check Tools and Materials

Assemble your saws, drill, clamps, hammer, nails or screws, measuring tape, wood glue, and a square for accurate cuts. All hive boxes should be square to fit well together with no gaps.

Double-check that you have enough wood and hardware to complete the hive without interruptions.

Cutting Wood

Using your hive plans carefully measure and cut the wooden components for your hive. My husband always says “measure twice – cut once”.

Yes, measurements matter inside a beehive. Accurate measurements are essential to ensure proper bee space and a functional hive. You want all your hive components and future ones you make or buy to fit together.

Placing parts together during beehive construction to make sure they fit closely.

Assembly Required

Once all of the parts are cut, it is time to assemble your hive. Use a sturdy, flat surface for assembly.

Assemble the sides, ensuring tight joints and secure fastenings. Use clamps (if needed) to hold pieces together while nailing or screwing them.

Don’t forget the glue! I always use wood glue on hive component joints – especially when assembling hive frames. But, use it on your boxes too!

As you progress through the project, check your boxes, tops or bottom to see that it looks like they are all fitting together like they should.

Beekeeper inspection hive frame in a homemade bee box.

Frames & Foundation for Your Hive

Frames are removable parts that fit inside the bee boxes (hive body and supers). They make it possible to inspect the hive without tearing comb apart. Plastic frames are available but wooden ones are most common.

Frames consist of small parts that are difficult to cut. Most beekeepers who build their own hives still choose to buy frames. They can be purchased ready to go or as a part of a beehive starter kit that you put together.

Paint or Finish

The final step once your hive is constructed and the glue is dry is protecting it from the elements. You don’t have to but most of you will want protect your wood by painting your beehive.

I promise, the honey bees really don’t care. We paint the hives for our pleasure and to preserve the wood.

A simple coat of latex paint will work or you can get really creative with some painted hive designs. Now, the outside components of your hive is ready. What about the inside?

Expert Tips

If you build a beehive to the proper dimensions, life will be easier for you and safer for your bees. Modern beehive construction is based on the concept of “bee space

This is the amount of space that bees naturally leave between the honeycombs in the hive. In general, this is a measurement of 3/8″.

As the bees build out honeycomb sheets, they want the hive to be filled in a precise way. If your boxes are built to the wrong dimensions, you will have problems with comb where you don’t want it. This is called burr comb.

Whether building the parts or buying them, assemble your hive parts correctly, paying special attention to inside measurements in your instructions. 


Is it cheaper to build your own hive?

Building your own hive can be cheaper than buying one ready to use. However, it depends on the type of hive you want, local lumber prices and tools you have on hand.

How do you build a beehive for honey?

Unlike a bird box for birds, honey bee hive require maintenance. However, if you want to build your own beehive – do your research, learn about the various parts of the hive and how to take care of your bees.

How much does it cost to build a beehive?

The cost to build a beehive depends on several factors but the average price for a hive made of pine is about $200 – including all the necessary parts and a metal top.

A Final Word

Don’t feel that making your own beehive is something you must do-especially if you are new. The first year of beekeeping can be confusing. Unless you are a skilled carpenter that loves woodworking – save hive construction for another year.

If you decide building bee hives is a challenge your woodworking skills are up to – go for it. But for heavens sake – please follow the directions 😉

More Resources

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  1. Stephen Hall Jr says:

    My grandparents raised me and my papa cared and built his own bee hives. He would occasionally go sit in between the hives with sugar water on his forearms and wrist to attract the bees. I might have been 7 or 8 at the time and thought he was making pets out of them. Little did I know (as I would run screaming to the house, cause they would light me up with stings) he was allowing them to sting his arms to help ease his arthritis so he could wood work. I’m in my 50’s now and just now thinking of building my own hives for honey. I have always been late to cut my grass considering the bees to have the clover and dandelion blooms and I too, keep an area about 1/2 acre to grow up with different types of wild flowers and blooming trees. Thanks for all your info on this foram, I look forward to learn a lot from here. Steve, South Eastern Kentucky

    1. Charlotte Anderson says:

      Steve, what wonderful memories. I admire your Grandpa – can’t say I would want the bee stings but I guess it depends on how bad the arthritis pain was? Building your own hive can be a lot of fun. Just make sure to build to the proper dimensions inside and you will have more ease with everything fitting correctly. Good luck.

  2. Gerald Osinge says:

    Quite impressive explanation

  3. Yes Charlotte, I’m already planning to build some beehive boxes some time in the future. I have the skill, and equipments From what I know the best wood is pine, spruce, or aspen, because atracts bees, are more friendly. Thanks…!

    1. Charlotte Anderson says:

      I think soft wood is nice and personally, I stay away from scented wood because bees are so sensitive to odors.

  4. Is it safe to place the bee box in a corner of my garden? And, how far from the house should it be?

  5. Tom Pinnow says:

    How long are frames of pollen good for? I have full frames from colonies that died out this winter. Is this stuff of any use to new packages of bees or should a guy just trash them and install new foundation?

    1. Beekeeper Charlotte says:

      A long time as long as not wax moths etc get in it. If you have room to freeze them for a few days – that would be best and then you can save them for a while.

  6. Hi, I live in Missouri. My question is: Where should you put your hive? Should the surroundings be close to trees or what kind of flowers? I have woods behind my house and thought I could place a hive at the skirt of the woods. My flower garden at this time does not exist, do you have any suggestions? Thank you, Judy

  7. James Seals Jr says:

    This is one of the most useful posts I have seen for the beginner. I am just embarking on my Bee journey and have been reading, watching and studying different methods. I am a youngster, I’ll be 72 this year. Looking forward to helping the Bees survive.

    1. Beekeeper Charlotte says:

      Thank you for your kindness. I wish you a world of success with your hives.

  8. All I want is a safe haven for bees. I let one pasture overgrow with dandelions until it gets too tall. Maybe later I will get into harvesting honey.

    1. Beekeeper Charlotte says:

      That’s awesome. More habitat is a great thing to do!

    1. Beekeeper Charlotte says:

      Thank so much 🙂

  9. Andrew Whaley-Coates says:

    Very interesting Charlotte, Thank you.
    I have often thought of constructing my own honeybee hive and do have some carpentry skills. Maybe I’ll get the opportunity to fulfil my dream this year.
    Andy (Scotland) UK.

    1. Beekeeper Charlotte says:

      Yes, you must try! The bees are very forgiving.