Beekeeping Mistakes

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It is impossible to learn beekeeping without make a few beekeeping mistakes along the way. No one is the perfect beekeeper all the time. But, we can learn from others. By examining the most common problems beekeepers face – you can prevent some of them from happening to your beehives.

Beekeeper using too much smoke this beekeeping mistake causes problems during hive inspection.

Those of you who are newest to the hobby are probably experiencing the sharp pains of indecision at times. After years of helping new beekeepers in my online beekeeping classes, I have a pretty good feeling about where things tend to go wrong – I hope this article helps you.

Rookie Beekeeper Mistakes

Beekeeping is full of ups and down. Moments of joy and yes sometimes the agony of defeat! Working with the bees and never completely controlling them, this is the life of a beekeeper. And, it is a wonderful thing – most of the time.

Let’s look at the most common areas where rookie beekeeping mistakes happen and how to watch out for problems.

Common Beekeeping Problems

  • failure to feed hives properly
  • failure to feed new colonies long enough
  • inspecting “opening” the hive too frequently
  • not checking queen status
  • not having extra beekeeping equipment in storage
  • a swarm is not a beekeeping failure
  • failure to control varroa mites
  • taking advice from everyone
  • placing hives too close to your house
  • not performing routine hive inspections
  • not using your bee smoker
  • waiting too late to install a bear fence
  • not using hive stands
  • not respecting bee space – leaving out frames
  • harvesting too much honey

Failure to Feed Bees Properly

Poor feeding is a rather easy beekeeping mistake to avoid. It requires a schedule for checking food stores and understanding just how much food a bee colony needs.

You can not assume your bees are fine just because you see blooming flowers that bees love. Blooms do not always mean nectar or pollen.

Also, each colony has different needs based on population and other factors. Routine hive inspections throughout the season should verify the presence of incoming nectar and honey being stored.

If your colony has no stored honey during mid Summer – there is a problem and you should consider feeding them.

Failure to Feed New Colonies Long Enough

A very common beginner beekeeping mistake involves action not taken: installing new bee packages not feeding – or rather not feeding them well. Many new colonies reach Fall unprepared for Winter.

Most beekeepers provide sugar water for bees (especially brand new colonies) – this helps them become established and build honeycomb which requires a lot of energy.

Often new beekeepers feed their bees well in the beginning. But then, they make the mistake of stopping too soon. The weather gets warm – the humans go on vacation. Don’t forget about your hives.

New colonies should be fed until they get all of the comb in their boxes, drawn and honey stored. If the bees stop taking sugar water, take a break for 2-3 weeks and then offer it again.

Likewise, you can not play catch up once the weather cools in the Fall. Plan to have your bees ready and stop feeding sugar water before cold arrives.

Inspecting Hives too Frequently

As important as routine inspections are, it is possible to over-do a good thing. New beekeepers want and need to look inside the hive more often than an experienced beekeeper.

However, unless you have an emergency situation, do not open your beehive more than 1 time a week. This is especially important for that first hive inspection after installation of new bees.

They will resent you taking the roof off their house every other day. It is not natural and will hinder the progress of your colony. Your honeybees may abscond in hopes of finding a new location with fewer interruptions.

Frames taken from hive during inspection.

Not Checking the Queen Status

The only way to know you have a good quality laying queen bee in your hive is to look. Many new beekeepers make the mistake of assuming the queen is there and laying.

You can not know this without opening the hive and looking for the queen or evidence of a queen The role of the queen bee is vital to colony survival. She is the only bee that can lay fertilized eggs that will develop into worker bees.

The queen was fine last month – why should I check? Sometimes a bee colony will decide to replace their queen – the bees will kill the queen and raise another. You need to make sure they were successful.

Queen bee in a hive and brood in the beehive with worker bees.

Also, if the bees swarm, you need to check to see if they were successful in replacing their queen. Monthly queen checks (during warm season) for established colonies is a good idea.

Can’t find your queen? It takes practice to learn how to find the queen bee. But, you don’t have to see her every time. Look inside the hive to verify that you have a good brood pattern.

Look for healthy worker bee brood. Do you see bee eggs? Larva and capped brood? If so, chances are she is okay.

Keep a beekeeping journal with notes from your inspections. You can write down queen status, feeding schedules and mite treatment times too.

Not Having Extra Beekeeping Equipment

One big mistake that many beekeepers make is not having extra equipment on hand. This is understandable as you are trying to keep the startup costs of beekeeping down.

But, what if your colony swarms or even better you find a wild swarm in a bush? If you are able to catch the swarm, you need a box for them.

Imagine the agony of seeing that beautiful large swarm of bees hanging on a low tree limb. Just within reach! And you have nothing to put them in.

It is easy to keep an extra deep (or medium if that’s what you use) on hand. Along with extra frames and a box of foundation, this will prepare you for emergencies.

In a pinch, used beekeeping equipment may be a possibility but use proper precautions to when choosing to use old equipment. There will always be a measure of risk.

Honey bee swarm hanging in a tree is not a mistake in beekeeping but nature at work.

Not Understanding Swarms

Ok guys, bees swarm -it’s what they do. Many books have been written about honey bee swarming.

And numerous techniques are used to attempt swarm prevention. Sometimes, they work – sometimes, they don’t.

We work with the bees, we don’t completely control them. A swarm normally means that your colony is healthy enough to do so and that’s not really a bad thing. Don’t feel like a failure if you have a swarm. This is nature’s way.

Beekeeper finding mites in brood because of mistake in not inspecting.

Failing to Control Varroa Mites

Varroa mites are a serious problem for most beekeepers. Do not attempt to go treatment free with bees that have not been specially bred to be resistant to mites.

No one “wants” to put chemicals in their hives but varroa mites kill bees. Not having a varroa plan is one of the major beginner beekeeping mistakes. Many colonies die each year because of this approach.

Find a method for controlling varroa mites with treatments that work for you in your apiary. Varroa mites can take up to 2 years to kill a colony. You are not out of the woods after the first year with no treatment.

Taking Advice from Questionable Sources

The internet is a wonderful source of information on almost any topic. But, it also contains a lot of mis-information.

Perhaps, you do not know any beekeepers in your local area or you may not like the ones you have found. Check surrounding areas for beekeeping associations.

Seek out some local info to go with the basics as you learn how to start beekeeping from other additional sources.  

But don’t make the mistake of trying every beekeeping management strategy that you hear about online. It may not work for your bees in your region and you may do harm.

Bad Hive Placement

Placing your hive in a bad location is at best an inconvenience and at worse a serious problem for you and the bees. Take the time to find the very best location for your beehive in the beginning.

Also. don’t place hives too close to your house. The temperament of a honey bee colony changes over time. A colony that had been easy going and docile for months – may suddenly become very protective.

This is especially true in late Summer when colonies are large and have a lot of food stores to protect. A good hive location makes life much easier.

Failure to do Regular Hive Inspections

Periodic inspections are vital to maintaining a healthy honey bee colony. You may say – well … wild colonies never have any inspections. That is true. It is also true that only about 20% of wild colonies survive beyond 1 year.

Seeing bees flying in and out of a beehive is not a guarantee that things are okay. Regular hive inspections are the only way to know that the hive is healthy.

Not Using Your Bee Smoker Properly

Beekeepers have used bee smokers for thousands of years. Then, along comes the Bee Movie and now many people are reluctant to use their smoker.

The proper use of a smoker actually saves bee lives. When bees sting, they usually die as the stinger is ripped from their body.

The effect of cool white smoke calms bees. this does not harm the colony when used correctly. Take care of your smoker and use use proper non-toxic types of smoker fuel.

At least once a season clean your bee smoker if it needs it. It will be easier to light a bee smoker that is in good working order when you need it.

A new beekeeper may make the mistake of using hot black smoke – this will only make the bees angry! Cool white smoke is the way to go.

Waiting too Late to Install a Bear Fence

Many regions of the country have a bear population. These timid creatures often go unnoticed until they cause a problem.

Many a new beekeeper has been unaware of bears in the area until their hives are destroyed. If you live in a region with bears build a bear fence to protect your bees.

Not Using Hive Stands

Don’t make the mistake of not using hive stands for your beehives. You can purchase commercial hive stands that are ready to use. Or, you can build your own stands from wood, pipes, masonry blocks or other materials.

Hive stands help protect your wooden wear from rot. They raise the hive entrance off the ground to discourage skunks and other honey bee predators. They also help save the beekeeper’s back due to less lifting and bending.

Not Respecting Bee Space

Our modern hive was designed on the principal of bee space. Bees use every available space to build comb. The dimensions of the standard Langstroth hive allow for correct spacing.

If you have a 10 frame box, you need to be sure to have 10 frames in the box. (Unless you are using special spacers – but that’s a tale for another day.)

Some beekeepers make the mistake of forgetting to put the correct number of frames in the hive boxes. When they return, the bees have built a tangle of honeycomb in the empty space.

This burr comb makes hive inspections more difficult and increases the chance that you may kill your queen. Make sure your frames are properly spaced after each inspection.

Harvesting too Much Honey

With experience, beekeepers learn how much honey to leave for the bees for Winter. The new beekeeper may not realize the amount of honey needed.

Being impatient or taking too much of a honey harvest, may result in colony starvation. To avoid this, learn when bees in your region produce the most honey and how much honey should be left on the hive.

Final Thoughts

When will you stop making beekeeping mistakes? Probably, never. But you can avoid making the same ones over and over again.

In my years of beekeeping, I have made many mistakes and some more than once! Whether you are interested in bees as a hobby or you want to develop a full beekeeping business, always work to be better. Find a good course on keeping bees and strive to do your best.

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  1. Monte King says:

    I feel like I quit feeding sugar water to soon to a weak hive of package bees that arrived with a dead queen. After introducing a new queen the worker population had diminished considerably. To boost the population I added a five frame nuc using the prescribed method. The provider of the nuc said I didn’t need to provide sugar water due to being in peak nectar flow. After a couple of weeks I noticed many wash boarding bees outside the hive entrance. I reintroduced sugar water several days ago and the wash boarding has ceased.

    1. Charlotte Anderson says:

      While it is often true that feeding may not be necessary during a nectar flow… I always offer a bit to a colony in need. If they need it, they will take it down quickly. If they are finding natural forage they may ignore the feed but at least it gives them every opportunity.

  2. Daniel Wanjala says:

    Thanks Charlotte, this information is really thrilling and I am gaining a lot. I’m Daniel Wanjala from Kenya in Africa. Thank you

  3. Kathy Kirby says:

    Just started with beekeeping. I am doing a lot of reading. I do have a mentor and I rely heavily on the internet for a lot of information. I have purchased my 2 hives and will be setting them up soon. Can’t wait to start this new adventure

    1. Charlotte Anderson says:

      Congratulations and best of luck to you.

  4. This is my second year with bees love them i started with one hive last year we got three more around the first of may but lost the old one to shb than one just moved out i caugth a swarm last week i love to just set and watch the bees fly in and out this year has been a blessing even thou i lost one to shb thank you so much for tge information looking forward to learning more

    1. Charlotte Anderson says:

      It is wonderful to hear that you are enjoying your bees. Hive beetles are a serious force that is for sure. If you can keep their population under control, a strong colony will be okay. But, if the beetle numbers get too high – they can take down good hives. Hope you enjoy the rest of the season.

  5. Good morning Charlotte. I am a brand new beekeeper and have your website as a favorite on my phone. Thank you for all of your information. I have a question. We just installed our bee packages with mated queen this past Saturday. We wanted to check today to see if the queens were released. However it is cloudy and will rain into Friday. Can we still check today? We live near Philadelphia PA.

    1. Charlotte Anderson says:

      Can you, yes but I would not disturb them. A week is a good time to wait and you do not risk upsetting the bees. I know how hard it is to wait but a few days won’t harm anything. 🙂

  6. anthony braun says:

    Thanks so much Charlotte
    I’m a new bee keeper coming into my second year. The first year was the fact of the matter, i knew just enough to be dangers to myself and the bees.

    1. Charlotte Anderson says:

      Oh my, those second year beekeepers can be dangerous too – LOL. Seriously though, I think I learned the most truly practical info during my 4th and 5th year. Every hive is so individual – we have to start with book learning but then that has to be adapted to our bees in our location. Good luck to you – stay safe.

  7. Mike Carter says:

    Enjoying your information each time!!
    I’m confused about inner covers with a notch. Does the notch go up or down?

    1. Charlotte Anderson says:

      It goes up as the idea is that when you then push the outer cover forward – it creates a little air flow for moist air to escape.

  8. Beekeeper Charlotte says:

    Hi Scott, Well don’t panic yet ! LOL. 10 days is not very long. Assuming the new queen emerges, matures a few days, mates and takes a few days to start laying… I would look again in about 7 days and if you don’t see something then – it’s time to panic. No seriously, not seeing any eggs or larva at that stage- it would be time to do something.

  9. Scott McIlvennie says:

    HelIo Charlotte. I’m a new beekeeper (italian – 8 frame lansroth. I went from a seemingly healthy situation with multiple frames of capped brood with nectar/capped honey, to being honey bound with no brood and no new eggs/larvae. I had two capped queen cells 10 days ago that are no longer present. Help!!!!! Thank you for all the great information you provide.

  10. Laura Wolfe says:


    1. Beekeeper Charlotte says:

      Hi Laura, Any bee would be okay but I might consider some with some Carniolan genetics in them.

  11. Lucretia Griffin says:

    Your information is great. New bee keepers but our parents had bees.Is it normal for bees eating sugar water to increase in about a day time from 1 quart to 3 quarts in a day. We checked and no leaks. We did move the bees because the other hive was fighting and trying to take over this hive.

    1. Beekeeper Charlotte says:

      That sounds like a robbing situation. When you are feeding make sure to reduce the entrance to the hive, you only want a couple of inches open so the bees can defend themselves.